The issue of rural youth has been highlighted at ROPPA since 2006 during its 4th convention where the establishment of youth colleges was decided in order to better address their concerns.
The CJ is a consultation space for:
- Promote the expression of the specific concerns of young people within family farms so that they are taken into account in programs and policies
- Allow young people to assert themselves and participate in the decision-making process within farmers’ organizations
- Give visibility to the experiences carried out by farmer organizations in the area of integration and support for young people
- Define strategies for the successful integration of young people in agriculture and their full participation in agricultural development
Since then, ROPPA and its members have implemented several initiatives to strengthen the integration of young people in the agro-sylvo-pastoral and fisheries sector and their inclusion in POs. The process has been matured in different stages leading to its translation, in 2017, in the form of a “Regional Youth Integration Strategy” available on the link ……………… Since 2006, national colleges have been implemented in the countries but it was in February 2020 that the regional youth college was created.
To deepen knowledge on youth, ROPPA undertook through the observatory in 2019 a production of knowledge on youth, the results of which are available on the link