Reconciling rural youth with family farming and unleashing their potential, in West Africa
Reconciling rural youth with family farming and unleashing their potential, in West AfricaThe view of rural West African youth...
Reconciling rural youth with family farming and unleashing their potential, in West Africa
Reconciling rural youth with family farming and unleashing their potential, in West AfricaThe view of rural West African youth...
The next African Civil Society Consultation for the 30th FAO Regional Conference will be held from 07 to 08...
The next consultation of African civil society for the 31st FAO regional conference will take place from 25 to...
Establishment of a Monitoring and Action Committee of POs on the impacts of COVID19
To address the crises affecting West African family farmers and the systemic crisis of COVID 19, the combined farming...
The 2012-2016 five-year plan was structured around four (04) intermediate results:
The 2012-2016 five-year plan was implemented in a pivotal period in the region marked by: the renewal of regional agricultural policy instruments (PNIASAN and PRIASAN for ECOWAP), PCD TASAN for the PAU, on the one hand and transition from the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals, from 2015, on the other hand, the creation of the customs union with door tax (TEC). The regional context for the implementation of the five-year plan was also marked by the accentuation of the insecurity of people and goods with an increase in sources of tension, even conflict, and the persistence of the effects of climate change. The implementation of the five-year plan and the interim programs brought about significant changes concerning:
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