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One of the specific objectives of ROPPA’s five-year plan is to Strengthen economic services to POs and RUs through equitable and inclusive development of added value chains to facilitate good penetration of local products on local, national and regional markets. and international.


Indeed, the products of family farms do not manage to penetrate the national, regional and international markets properly, which is why ROPPA all the actions that fall within this objective aim to support the supply of quality products by family farms through mechanisms structured around the promotion of economic services within POs; improve the attractiveness of agriculture to facilitate and support the integration of young people into links in the added value chains and contribute to increasing intra-regional trade in products from family farms, thus gradually minimizing imports of basic products.


This showcase aims to give more visibility to the products of ROPPA members in order to promote sales opportunities.

Ivory Coast


Guinea Bissau


Sierra Leone

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